Circe + Odysseus

Bred by the sun, I’d no desire
to see the rising light of day
Holding me just as warmly
Why stumble blindly?

Hugging my knee
Urging my stubborn spirit over
Revelations made to me alone
I knelt in her bed and wept

Bow to the deathless

And become a broken man

Unwept and unburied
A god will make it hard for you
Always brooding
Over your wanderings
Day in, day out

But Circe, taking me by the hand
Sore at heart, go on living
So she said and crushed
The heart inside me

Strip away your courage,
Power too, my darling, reckless
Foresight won our fighting spirits over
Ringed by endless wastes of sea

Now burnt-out husks,
Die with our eyes wide open

Night Shift

A boy skinnier than I
Hauls trash bags I can not carry
Through a parking lot
Where he hugged
his headlights to a street lamp
In the softest of collisions
I fall behind
Struggling with my single bag
Keeping an eye on the tear at the bottom
Where day old modello seeps into the canvas of my shoes
Staining the laces yellow

He tosses our bags into the dumpster
With a force I do not think myself capable of
No matter how many ways
And times he attempts to teach me
His thin calloused hands, burned and crooked,
Pushing away plastic sacks of rotting meat

On our way back to the restaurant
He stops in front of a glistening car
We peer in the window, careful
Our faces reflected back at us
In awe of the red leather interior
The grace of it

A few doors down a man from the bar watches
Ashes from his cigarette falling to his feet
He wipes a hand on the dish towel
That hangs from his back pocket
Smearing it with grease

Celeste Jenkins-O’Reilly is a writer and photographer from Fort Worth, Texas, and is currently a high school junior at Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts.