Spring 2023

A Note from the Editors

Dearest Reader,

I have one more time to tell this story. In November of 2019, I went to a Love & Squalor event where the former editors had a bag full of leftover Halloween candy, conference work, and NYT crossword puzzles. Back then, sharing a professor and knowing the capital of Alaska was enough to become an editor. In typical Sarah Lawrence last minute fashion, they looked at each other and said, “How would you like to take over our magazine next year.” 

As I am closing my time at Sarah Lawrence, I look to this journal with great love. It has not always gone how we thought it would– we have suffered great losses as a community. We have created beautiful things. Love & Squalor would not exist without our shining star of an editorial team–Jane, Ruby, Greer, Sophie, Emma, Emma (there’s two!), Sparrow, Syd, and Marin. Thank you to Chloe, a stellar co-editor in chief, the mastermind of the website, Morrissey impersonator, and friend. Thank you to our contributors– we would have nothing to put together, to talk about, to praise, if it weren’t for you. To our readers– you are why we’re here. Keep doing that. Thank you thank you thank you. 

To Ruby and Jane: What is the capital of Alaska? What is your favorite lollipop flavor? How would you like to take over our magazine next year? 

You will be fantastic leaders. Good luck!!

With all our love, no squalor this time,

Ash Freeman and Chloe Fontenot